Retirement And Appointment Of Executive Director And Chief Financial Officer

Dec 31, 2008
The Board of Directors of Avi-Tech Electronics Limited ("the Company") wishes to announce that after 24 years of service to the Company, Mr. Wong Wee Lim, William will retire as Executive Director and resign as Chief Financial Officer of the Company at the end of December 2008 and Mr. Wilfred Teo Chu Khiong will be appointed as Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of the Company with effect from 1st January 2009.

The Board of Directors wishes to express its sincere appreciation to Mr. Wong Wee Lim, William for his significant contributions to the Company in the past 24 years and the Board respects his wish for retirement.

Details of retirement of Mr. Wong Wee Lim, William and appointment of Mr. Wilfred Teo Chu Khiong are contained in separate announcements.

By Order of the Board

The initial public offering of the Company was sponsored by Westcomb Capital Pte. Ltd.